School Leaders Writeup
School Leaders Writeup
About the Principal

Mrs Teo-Seah Whye Choo
PPA (Silver), PBS BSc (Hons), MSc, PGDE (Sec)
Mrs Teo was appointed Principal of Punggol Cove Primary School on 15 Dec 2022.Prior to Punggol Cove Primary School, Mrs Teo was Principal of Yio Chu Kang Primary from January 2010 to December 2016 and Principal of Seng Kang Primary from January 2017 to December 2022. For her contributions and service to MOE, Mrs Teo was deeply honoured to receive a National Day Award, The Public Administration Medal (Silver) (Pingat Pentadbiran Awam) (Gangsa) in 2019. For having served more than 25 years in the Public Service, she received the Long Service Medal (Pingat Bakti Setia) in 2015.
Mrs Teo began her career in Education in 1989 when she joined CHIJ Secondary School(Toa Payoh) for 12 years as a Chemistry and Mathematics teacher. She later became the Head of Department for ICT/MRL in the same school where she spearheaded the implementation of ICT MasterPlan 1.
In 2003, Mrs Teo joined Educational Technology Division, Research and Development Section, Ministry of Education, as Educational Technology Officer, and in the following year, pursued her Master of Science (by research) degree at the National Institute of Education (NIE). She was involved in working with schools to experiment with emerging technologies for teaching and learning during IT MasterPlan 2 and areas of work such as Lead ICT@Schools and FutureSchools@SG.
Upon completing her 4-year stint in ETD, Mrs Teo was posted to Anderson Secondary School as Vice-Principal in 2007. In March 2008, Mrs Teo was selected to attend the "Leaders in Education Programme", an Educational Leadership Development programme at NIE, Singapore to prepare her for school leadership. After the programme, she served as Vice-Principal of Jiemin Primary School from Sep 2008 to 2009.
Mrs Teo strongly believes that Every Child Can Learn, Wants to Learn and Wants to Succeed. She feels privileged and values the opportunity to serve and contribute to the learning and development of the students and staff of PCPS and MK@PC. She looks forward to forge strategic and win-win partnerships with parents and community to broaden the horizons and enrich learning of staff and students. Together as One PCPS, she aspires to nurture every PCPS child holistically to ready them for the future To Serve and To Lead, anchored on school values of Care, Empathy and Mindfulness.
About the Vice-Principal

Ms Cai Xirui
BECE (Hons), PGDE (Sec)
Ms Cai Xirui was appointed Vice-Principal at Punggol Cove Primary School on 15 December 2022. She started out as a teacher in Victoria Junior College (VJC) in 2005. Ms Cai served as Subject Head for Project Work from 2008 to 2011, before holding the post of Head of Department for Project Work from 2012 to 2022. During her years at VJC, she taught ‘A’ Level Physics and ‘A’ Level Project Work to the students in the junior college section, and Physics to students in the Victoria Integrated Programme. She was also involved in leading a team of teachers to develop a set of rubrics for the evaluation of 21st Century Competencies (21CCs) in the total curriculum.
During her stint as HOD (PW), Ms Cai and her department guided students through their coursework-based ‘A’ Level Project Work Examination using the Design Thinking approach. Design Thinking is a human-centred approach which places the user at the core of the problem definition, as well as the creative thinking process. In a world where problems are increasingly complex, being sensitive to human needs, and working collaboratively with others, through empathy, mindfulness and care, are essential.
Ms Cai strongly believes in the need for students to have opportunities and guidance to hone their 21CCs. She hopes that through both the academic and non-academic programme at PCPS, as well as partnership with parents and important stakeholders, students will have experiences which enable them to grow holistically. As they develop to become concerned citizens, the students can then serve and lead, both themselves as well as their communities, with purpose.
About the Vice-Principal

Mr Andrew Chong Wenyi
BA (Hons), MA, MEd, PGDE(Sec)
Mr Andrew Chong was awarded the Education Merit Scholarship by the Ministry of Education in 2002 and pursued his Bachelor of Arts and Masters of Arts at the University of Leeds under the scholarship.
Over the course of his career, he has worked with students from 7 to 18 years old.
He started out his teaching career in 2009 in National Junior College, after graduating from the NIE PGDE (Secondary) programme as the Valedictorian. In NJC, he taught General Paper and Project work.
In 2012, he joined the Curriculum Policy Office in MOE HQ. He worked on areas like 21st Century Competencies and Junior College Curriculum Review, where he developed policies and worked with schools. For the good quality of work, he was awarded the MOE Service Excellence Award (Silver) in 2013.
Upon completing his 2-year stint in CPO, Mr Chong went to the Ministry of Social and Family Development in 2014 as a Manager in the Family Development Group. He worked with other ministries and Volunteer Welfare Organisations to develop marriage preparation and support programmes for transnational families.
In 2016, Mr Chong pursued his Masters in Education (Curriculum, Teaching and Learning) at the Institute of Education, University College London (UCL) under the MOE Postgraduate Scholarship. Upon completion of his Masters, he decided to go for Cross Level deployment and was posted to Opera Estate Primary School in 2017 as Level Head, English. He was subsequently appointed as Head of Department, English in 2019. As a testament to his strong leadership, he won the Inspiring Teacher of English - Leadership Award in 2020. He led the department in enhancing their teaching practices and the department won the Innergy Award (Bronze) in 2022 for their project on the use of “Dazzling Details” to enhance students’ writing.
Mr Chong believes in empowering students with the skills to learn, as that ability to learn for life is critical in our ever-changing world. He also strongly believes in the importance of character and values education and that children should be given opportunities to serve others and give back to society. Guided by his firm beliefs that all students want to and can learn, he endeavours to ensure all students at Punggol Cove Primary are given opportunities to develop the skills and dispositions to thrive in the 21st Century.
About the Vice-Principal (Administration)

Ms Chng Shi Hua
Vice-Principal (Administration)
Ms Chng Shi Hua was posted to Punggol Cove Primary School as Vice-Principal (Administration) on 15 December 2017. She started off her career with the Ministry of Education (MOE) as an Administration Manager (then termed School Administrator) in Zhangde Primary School from February 2000 till January 2010. In February 2010, Ms Chng joined the Training and Development Division and Academy of Singapore Teacher, MOE as an Executive under the facilitated job rotation programme. Following which, she was appointed Vice-Principal (Administration) to Zhangde Primary School from December 2012 till December 2017.
Through her years of service in Zhangde Primary School, she had established and put in place various administrative and operations processes in the school to support teaching and learning. She also worked very closely with the Parent Support Group to enhance the learning experiences of the students in the school.
For her consistent performance and contribution in her work, Ms Chng was presented the National Day Award – Commendation Medal (Pingat Kepujian) in 2014. In addition, she was also awarded the MOE Service Excellence Award (Gold) and Excellent Service Award (Gold) in 2011 and 2012 respectively for her contribution towards service excellence during her stint in MOE HQ.
Ms Chng endeavours to continue to do her best and lead her team of Executive and Administrative Staff in ensuring strategic management of resources to support the delivery of holistic education, thereby enhancing the learning experiences of the students in Punggol Cove Primary School.