Character and Citizenship Education (CCE)
Committee Mission
To nurture every child with strong moral character and equip them to be worthy citizens and leaders through serving and leading others by their examples.
Useful links and Resources for Parents
Areas of Focus |
Useful Link |
CCE-related Syllabus and Framework |
Character & Citizenship Education Syllabus and Framework:
Primary Social Studies
Framework for 21st Century Competencies and Student Outcomes |
National Education |
Pupil Well Being Programme: Learn through Play
Learn through Play
Learn through Play provides a platform for pupils to learn and practise values and social skills which are essential for them in life. Albert Bandura (1977) said in his social learning theory that behavior is learned from the environment through the process of observational learning. Therefore, we believe the importance of role modelling and hence, our teachers use teachable moments during recess time to instill the right values and social skills in our pupils. In addition, restorative approach is used to help pupils to reflect and adopt a more desirable actions to solve the problems they face. Through these approaches, pupils develop competencies like self-awareness, social awareness, self-management and relationship management skills. Observation made during recess play will also be reinforced during Assembly and Form Teacher Guidance Period (FTGP). At the end of the day, we want to build a culture of care in Punggol Cove Primary School.

Values in Action Objectives
We believe that Values in Action (VIA) programmes are good learning
platform that support pupils’ development in the following areas:
1. Socially responsible citizens who contribute meaningfully to the community, through the learning and application of values, knowledge and skills. 2. Fosters pupil ownership over how they contribute to the community. 3. Allow the pupils to reflect on their experience, the values they have put into practice, and how they can continue to contribute meaningfully
Programme |
Domain Focus |
Cleanliness @ PCPS |
Self |
Cleanliness @ Home Project |
Family |
Cleanliness @ Canteen |
School |
Walkathon @ Waterway (Walk For Rice) |
Community |
Cleanliness @ PCPS
Former Education Minister Ng Chee Meng reiterated the importance of children participating in cleaning activities in school and home as they are good avenues for children to develop their social responsibility. He mentioned: “Over some period of time, I’m sure our kids will learn to take care of themselves, learn self-reliance and be able to not just do these good things in school, but be able to go out in society (and show) some graciousness.” Indeed, this is what we desire to achieve in our Cleanliness Programmes as well. Cleanliness @ PCPS is one of the Values in Action programmes introduced in Punggol Cove Primary School. Pupils were taught the reasons why keeping their environment clean is important. In addition, they were given the opportunities to carry out the hand-on activity in the classroom. Many were elated to see themselves accomplished the tasks and was looking forward to doing it again in the near future.

To encourage the pupils to continue with these good habits they have learnt from the school, Cleanliness @ Home project was introduced to inculcate in our pupils the value of responsibility to self and family. In this project, pupils are given a task booklet with the list of chores to do. As Psychologist Albert Bandura mentioned in his self-efficacy theory that when one developed the belief that they have the ability to accomplish certain tasks they will in turn feel more confident about themselves. Hence, by helping out at home, they will become more independent and responsible as a result.

Kindness Week Plato once said: “Kindness is more than deeds. It is an attitude, an expression, a look, a touch. It is anything that lifts another person.” Indeed, it is important to teach our pupils the importance and the value of kindness from young. Punggol Cove Primary School believes every pupils can and will be able to demonstrate kindness, care, empathy and mindfulness towards their friends and love ones. Our school has also partner with the Singapore Kindness Movement (SKM) and South East Community Development Council to encourage our pupils to express their kindness to the community through a walk for rice charitable event. Our school managed to walk a total mileage of 235.2 km and raised a total of 1,176 bowls of white rice and 1,176 bowls of brown rice, estimated to benefit around 38 needy families in South East District. This is our way to teach our pupils that even as young as they are, they are capable to make a significant difference in the lives of others. In recognizing the pupils’ effort towards building the culture of care and kindness, we were awarded as the Friend of Singa in 2016.

NE Commemorative Days
Punggol Cove Primary School commemorates four core NE days which have been identified as defining moments in Singapore history.
NE Core Event(s) |
Theme |
Commemoration Date |
Total Defence Day |
Together We Keep Singapore Strong |
15 February |
International Friendship Day |
Connected Communities |
5 April |
Racial Harmony Day |
The Singapore Connection |
19 July |
National Day |
We Are Singapore |
8 August |

Sexuality Education
Sexuality Education (SEd) in schools aims to enable students to understand the physiological, social and emotional changes they experience as they mature, develop healthy and rewarding relationships with others, including those with members of the opposite sex, and make wise, informed and responsible decisions on sexuality matters. SEd is premised on the importance of the family as the basic unit of society. This means encouraging healthy, heterosexual marriages and stable nuclear family units with extended family support. The teaching and learning of SEd is based on respect for the values and beliefs of the different ethnic and religious communities in Singapore on sexuality issues.
The Goals of Sexuality Education are:
(a) Support students in managing their physiological, social and emotional changes as they grow up and develop safe and healthy relationships.
(b) Guide students to make wise, informed and responsible decisions on sexuality matters.
(c) Help students develop a moral compass and respect for themselves and others by having positive mainstream values and attitudes about sexuality that are premised on the familyas the basic unit of society.
The Key Messages of Sexuality Education are:
(a) Love and respect yourself as you love and respect others;
(b) Build positive relationships based on love and respect (which are the foundation for strong families);
(c) Make responsible decisions for yourself, your family and society; and
(d) Abstinence before marriage is the best protection against STIs/HIV and unintended pregnancies. Casual sex can harm and hurt you and your loved ones.You may click here for more information on MOE Sexuality Education.
Overview of Punggol Cove Primary School’s
Sexuality Education Programme for 2024
Sexuality Education is delivered in a holistic manner through the school curriculum. The content for Sexuality Education is grouped into five main themes: Human Development, Interpersonal Relationships, Sexual Health, Sexual Behaviour, and, Culture, Society and Law. You may click here for more information on the scope of Sexuality Education in the school curriculum.
The subjects that incorporate topics on sexuality include:
(a) Science
(b) Character and Citizenship Education (CCE)
Sexuality Education Lessons:
The upper primary years mark the onset of puberty. With better nutrition and improved health care, children are reaching puberty at a younger age and have to grapple with physical, emotional and psychological changes in themselves. The implication is that our children are becoming biologically ready for sexual activity sooner without necessarily having the corresponding cognitive or emotional maturity to modulate their behaviours. Furthermore, our young are also exposed to a wide range of influences that could endanger health and undermine the integrity of the family. Our students require close guidance so that they can respond with discernment to the sexual messages in the media and other sources.
Sexuality Education (SEd) lessons are taught as part of CCE (FTGP) at Primary 5 and 6. Through these lessons, students will learn healthy ways to manage the physiological, social and emotional changes in their growing years. They learn to build healthy and rewarding relationships with others, including those with members of the opposite sex. Students are also guided to make wise, informed and responsible decisions to keep themselves safe from sexuality-related risks.
At Punggol Cove Primary School,
the following Sexuality Education lessons
will be taught in 2024:

Information For Parents
Parents may opt their children out of Sexuality Education lessons, and/or supplementary Sexuality Education programmes by MOE-approved external providers.
Parents who wish to opt their children out of the Sexuality Education lessons need to complete an opt-out form. This form will be communicated to parents at the start of the year and is also downloadable here. The completed opt-out form is to be submitted by 26 January 2024.
Parents may contact your child’s Form Teacher or Mr. Jeremy Loh, HOD/CCE, at 63857339 or email the school at for discussion or to seek clarification about the school’s Sexuality Education programme.