School Rules and Regulations
School Rules and Regulations
1) Conduct during Flag Raising Ceremony
Students who are Singapore citizens must sing the National Anthem and take the Pledge. Students will take the Pledge with the right fist over the heart. Students who are not Singapore Citizens are to stand at attention.
All students are to sing the school song with pride.
2) School Uniform
Students are to wear the prescribed school uniform and modification to the uniform is not allowed.
Top: Clean school Polo T- shirt is to be tucked in at all times. Name tag must be sewn above the school badge. Girls are not to wear bright-coloured undergarments under their school uniform.
Bottom: Bermudas for boys should be no longer than 1-inch above the knees. Girls are to wear skorts no longer than 1-inch above the knees.
Socks: Only plain white socks are allowed and they should be worn at least 2 inches above the ankles.
Shoes: Only plain black canvas/sports shoes with black rubber soles are allowed. There should be no fanciful/reflective/coloured stripes on any part of the shoes.
3) School Attire Decorum
Students should wear uniform when there is no PE or PAL lessons.
Students should wear unform during end-of-year examinations and PSLE.
P1 and P2 students can come to school in PE attire on days where there is PE or PAL. They can remain in the PE attire on those days.
P3 to P6 students who have PE lessons before recess, can come to school in PE attire from home and change to uniform during recess.
P3 to P6 students who have PE lessons after recess, should come to school in uniform from home and change to PE attire during recess.
CCA / PE / School-approved T-shirts and track shoes are allowed for special programmes or activities with consent from teachers concerned.
4) Hair and Appearance
Hair is to be kept simple, neat and of natural colour.
Students are not allowed to colour, highlight, tint or perm their hair.
Boys must keep their hair short and tidy. They should not have hair touching the collar, ears, or eyebrows. Hair at the side and back must be sloped.
Girls with long fringe are to keep them off their faces with dark blue/black pins or hair bands.
Girls with long hair or hair reaching below the collar must be tied up neatly with plain blue/ black rubber bands or clips.
Male students must be clean-shaven and neat in appearance. No facial hair including moustache, beard, or sideburn is allowed.
Nails must be kept short and clean. No varnish or hardener is allowed.
No jewellery/ornament/accessory is to be worn.
Girls are allowed to wear one pair of matching plain ear studs (less than 5mm in diameter) on the ear lobes. For safety reasons, NO dangling or multiple earrings are allowed.
No make-up or body art is allowed.
Cardigan, sweater or sandals worn on prolonged basis must be supported by letter/s from doctor.
![]() BOYS Neat, well-groomed hair with no sideburns and does not touch the collar. Fringe does not cover the eyebrows. |
![]() GIRLS Neat, well-groomed hair that is brushed and tied up neatly with plain blue or black hair band. Fringe does not cover the eyebrows. |
5) Safety and Security
All students are not allowed to have in their possession any weapon. They are also not allowed to bring any weapon-like item, which can be used or intended to be used to cause harm to others.
Students are to be responsible for their personal belongings in school. They should refrain from bringing excessive cash or expensive items to school. The school shall not be responsible for the loss of any personal belongings.
Students should regard the school as their second home and treat the school property with care in order to maintain the school premises in good condition. Vandalism is a serious offence.
6) Use of Mobile Devices
Use of mobile devices1 is prohibited within the school premises. Students are advised not to bring them to school. This is to ensure students are focused during lesson time and not distracted during their learning.
If they are seen, heard or used, they will be confiscated and handed over to the HOD Discipline for safekeeping until a parent/ guardian comes to school to retrieve it.
For student offences involving the use of mobile devices, when the school has reason to believe that laws have been violated, but the student and/ or parents refuse to cooperate with the school in its investigation, the school may report to the police for assistance. Notwithstanding the school’s decision, the victims concerned (including students and teachers) may still choose to make a police report.
For inappropriate content posted online that involves a school, students or staff of the school, such as derogatory or hurtful remarks, the school may contact the author of the content or the host of the website to request for the contents to be removed.
1 Including, but not limited to, mobile phones, tablets, laptops and smart watches.