School Safety & Security Management
School Safety & Security Management
1) School Safety Vision
A safety culture for PCPS to facilitate effective teaching and learning
2) School Safety Mission
A safety culture for teaching and learning to take place
3) Road Safety
a. Always observe the Kerb Drill (Look Right, Look Left, Look Right Again and Raise Your Hand High) when crossing the road.
b. Always use designated pedestrian crossing such as the overhead bridge, zebra crossing and traffic lights.
c. Always ensure there are no vehicles or all vehicles have stopped before crossing the road.
d. Do not cross the road when the ‘green man’ is blinking or when the ‘red man’ appears.
e. Do not cross the road in front of a stationary vehicle or in between two stationary vehicles.
f. Do not use gadgets when crossing the road.
g. Riding of kick-scooter to school is strongly not encouraged.
h. Do use sheltered linkways and pavement at all times.
4) Bus Safety
i. Always wait for the bus to come to a complete stop before boarding or alighting.
j. Always queue to board the bus.
k. Remain seated with the seat belt on throughout the journey.
l. Do not play, shout or run inside the bus.
m. During an emergency, remain calm, listen to the bus driver and follow the instructions carefully.
5) Bicycle Safety
a. Always ensure your bicycle is in good condition before using it.
b. Always use proper protective gears such as safety helmet.
c. Always be alert and signal early. Do not cycle too fast.
d. Do not cycle on the footpaths and keep close to the kerb.
e. Always push your bicycle/kick-scooter when crossing the road and/or in the school premises.
6) School Carpark and School Security
The school carpark is reserved for the use of the school staff and school buses. For everyone’s safety, parents are advised to exercise courtesy and consideration by not holding up traffic especially during peak hours.
a. For parents driving to school in the morning, your co-operation is required to ensure that traffic is smooth. Please adhere to the school carpark speed limit of 10km/h and refrain from getting out of your cars to ensure that the waiting time for drop off is short.
b. For parents driving to pick your child up after dismissal, you are advised to park at the nearby HDB carpark or drive through only after dismissal at 1.45 p.m. The designated drop off/ pick up point is the foyer (outside General Office).
c. For parents sending and picking up your child via the school gates, we seek the understanding and cooperation of parents/guardians to wait for your child/ward at the designated Parents Waiting Area at Gate B or Gate E.
d. Parents will not be allowed to enter the school premises (e.g. Canteen) when dropping off or picking up their child from the school every morning and during dismissal. Parents will also not be able to pass through The Cove and Canteen to get to the LRT Station and vice versa.
e. If you walk your child to school, please set a good example by crossing the road at the traffic lights located outside the school. Please remind your child/ward to practice the ‘kerb drill’ before crossing any roads.
f. Please advise your child where exactly you will be picking him/her up from daily.