Frequently Asked Questions
General Information
1) What are the School hours?
Monday – Friday: 7.30am – 1.30pm
Students are to report to school by 7.25am. Flag-raising is at 7.30am.
2) What are the General Office hours?
Monday – Friday: 7.00 am to 5.30 pm
3) What are the Recess hours?
Primary 1 |
9:00am to 9:30am |
Primary 5 |
9:30am to 10:00 am |
Primary 6 |
10:00am to 10:30am |
Primary 2 |
10:30am to 11:00am |
Primary 4 |
11:00am to 11:30am |
Primary 3 |
11:30am to 12:00pm |
4) What are the After-School Programmes?
P3 & P4 School-based Dyslexia Remediation (SDR) |
2.00 pm
2.00 pm
2.00 pm
Co-Curricular Activities (CCA) |
2.00 pm
2.00 pm
P3 SwimSafer Programme
2.00 pm
5) How much is the school fees?
The rates of school and miscellaneous fees payable are reviewed by the
Ministry of Education and individual schools from time to time. For more
information, please refer to MOE website at
6) My child has misplaced/lost his EZLink Card. How can I get a replacement?
You may get the card replaced through the following ways:
1) |
Apply for an online replacement via this link. |
2) |
Apply for an immediate replacement at any SimplyGo Ticket Office. |
3) |
Download SimplyGo app for the full suite of e-Services. |
4) |
For more details, please refer to SimplyGo website under Product and Services at |
5) |
To report loss of card, please call SimplyGo Hotline 1800-2255 663 or +65 6883 5048 (call from overseas) between 8am - 6pm daily (Closed on Public Holidays) and the card will be invalidated within 48 hours. |
7) Where can we read about the School Rules?
The School Rules are available on our School Website /for-parents/general-matters/school-rules and
in your child’s Pupil’s Handbook.
Communication with the school
8) How do I communicate with my child in case of an emergency?
In case of any emergency, please call the School office at Tel: 6385 7339
with your message. We will ensure that it is communicated to your child.
9) How can I communicate with my child’s teachers?
a) |
You may e-mail the teachers.
b) |
You may write to the School via the school’s email at |
c) |
You may call the General Office at Tel: 6385 7339 to leave a message. Please refer to the School’s contact details. However, please do understand that teachers may be teaching at the time you are calling and may not be able to return your call immediately. |
10) Can my child bring a mobile phone or other electronic gadgets to school?
The school does not encourage students to bring such items to school so
that they do not distract themselves and others during school hours. Students
can request to use the phone at the general office if they need to contact
their parents/guardians on urgent matters.
Safety of students
11) What must I do if I need to bring my child home early?
Students will only be allowed to leave the school premises early if accompanied
by an authorized adult. The Form Teacher should be notified and the adult
must report to the General Office to fetch the student. Students are NOT allowed
to leave the school on their own even if they have valid reasons to do
Co-Curricular Activities
12) What are the Co-Curricular Activities (CCAs) offered?
The school offers the following CCAs:
1) |
Art & Craft Club |
2) |
Dance Club |
3) |
New Media & Technology Club |
4) |
Sports Club (Badminton, Basketball, Floorball, Football) |
5) |
Scouts |
6) |
Health & Fitness Club |
7) |
Choir |
8) |
Oratorical & Drama Club |
For more information, please refer to our website at /pcps-experience/co-curricular-activities/cca
13) The P3 students are having CCAs on Thursday. Would there be enough
time and food for them to eat?
CCAs start at 2pm. Students can have lunch after their dismissal at 1.30pm.
The school has worked with the canteen operators to put in place processes
to cater to the demand.
14) Can my child go home for lunch on Thursday if he stays nearby, and
comes back to school for his CCA?
Yes, students who stay nearby can go home for lunch. Please ensure that
your child reports punctually for his/her CCA.
School Facilities
15) What facilities does the school have?
You may refer to /about-pcps/our-facilities for a list
of facilities available. These facilities support the delivery of holistic
education, and facilitate engaged learning in both the academic and co-curriculum
16) Does your school have a School-based Student Care Centre?
Yes. Please refer to ‘PCPS Student Care Centre’ at /for-parents/useful-links for more
17) Is there an ‘Open House’ for parents to visit Punggol Cove Primary
There is scheduled ‘Interaction Time With Principal’ organised for you
to meet and have a conversation with our Principal as well as to tour the
Please refer to our website at for updated information about the ‘Interaction Time With Principal’. Most of the information about the school can also be obtained from our school’s website.
18) Is our home address within 1 km from Punggol Cove Primary School?
Please check the home-school distance category (at no cost) from the Singapore
Land Authority OneMap SchoolQuery at
19) What are the Primary 1 registration procedures?
For matters related to P1 Registration procedures, please refer to MOE
website at
20) I am a non-Singaporean. Can I register my child to your school under
the Primary One Registration Exercise?
For matters related to P1 Registration for International Students, please
refer to MOE website at
21) How do I enrol or transfer my child to Punggol Cove Primary School?
Please refer to MOE website at for
Parent Support Group
22) How can I apply as a Parent Volunteer?
If you are interested in joining the Parent Support Group (PSG), please
contact our Head of Department / Discipline, Mr Benjamin Chew via e-mail
Please refer to /pcps-stakeholders/psg for more information on our PSG.